
New YouTube video from Bea and

New YouTube video from Bea and her Business:

Good things is SO FUN to play live

The tent at the festival in is a manifold with genus 6.

Good Things


- I finally started to work on the knit sweater I started before last winter again. (It's my first sweater. I started with the arms, and today did the bit to the right of the neck diip in the back. Then the left part, and then the front, and if it fits, then follow the thingies. round the wrist and neck.)
- I found my junior purrgrammer, tinycat, and my phone charging cable (and charger) again. They were in a compartment in my backpack

- One I was too tired wo remember yesterday evening: There was a thing at work I had been trying and failing to figure out for two days. On the weekend I had an idea for a different angle to go at it, and I had found the problem and fixed it within the first hour of being at work on Monday!
- Today the weather was sunny and I saw pretty clouds from the office window
- I doodled in my A6 sketchbook today, so I'm up to a 7 day streak! :D


- Happy chats with
- Particularly yummie food in the cafeteria at work.
- I got more done after work than I thought I would

...yesterday XD

- I had made a plan of things I wanted to get done, and I actually went through with it!
- Surprise gift of flower(photo) from which just hit me right in the feels

for today!

- The weather stuff in the post this one is a reply to.
- Having a good laugh with my therapist about my morning before the appointment ( )
- Took steps on something I'd been putting off for years!
- caught up and am posting Good Things again on the day, rather than a day later. :chickSinging:

for yesterday:

- I enjoyed the thing about where you can, and are supposed to, write down whatever crosses your mind and you might want to remember: wrote down the the structural formulas for Ethylene and PET and a few notes about usage.
- I heard sparrows when walking past a hedge because it was full of them

for yesterday:

- After a lot of wind and rain, the evening sky was beautiful. There was a phase where the sun was breaking through from somewhere I could not see it from the window, and there were these bands of clourds, dark violet-grey in the distance, and warm grey and champagne-coloured closer, and once I got outside there was a spectacular sunset sky.
- I had fun playing with fountain pens and ink, including doodling in a mini sketchbook

for yesterday:
- I remembered to switch on the dehumidifier before leaving in the morning.
- When I arrived home, it felt very warm and cozy.
- I got help and support from folks on the fediverse :blobCatInLove:

- I saw a rainbow!
- Work went pretty well.
- Bus driver let me off the bus early because we were waiting at a red light, and that was right in front of the house I live in

We have Bison being introduced in my county

It was a tuck in and watch Christmas movies while I knit kind of evening.

I feel inspired to share some good things that happened today in my life.

Here's the view from my beach walk this afternoon.

I feel inspired to share some good things that happened today in my life.

Here's one:

One of the fawns, sleeping soundly in the sunshine in my backyard. Picture courtesy of my husband.

Dont let the youngsters tell you youre past it at 50. Im having probably the best year of my life so far!!

Ive got my priorities right, know what I want and finally have the confidence to go and get it!

Yes, I have health issues, which makes progress slower than Id like, but I love my life!

The little things in life:
Popping out for a couple of minutes, on return I am hit by the smell of the fresh baked bread I'd just taken out of the oven.

Before the nightmare that is coming!

And now for something completely different.

Yesterday I was so touched by a video that it brought tears to my eyes. See and hear for yourself:

Lots of good things today.
In no particular order.

A nephew thats barely speaking to me - win!

Chips, cheese and spicy mayo.

F1 and F2 races, absolutely thrilled with the result.

Plenty of stitching time before and after the race.

A Christmas SAL and supplies have been ordered. Thanks to the encouragement of certain people on here who shall remain nameless.

Another book added to the wishlist, this one was pointed out to me by someone else on here who is a wonderfully bad example.

Watched the film Maudie, that was a rather lovely film and I ended up reading all about the artist.

A little bit of time playing WoW.

I think I can say I checked the self care box today!

New YouTube video from Bea and her Business:

Eeee my new EP Me Vs. Me out now u should go listen

Aww... my trainer said she thinks I am losing weight. She knows how to motivate me! (I'm not, but I am getting stronger. They've been working on the muscles around my knees so my arthritic knee is supported, and today I could do lunges around the garage without a problem!)

Citizenship ceremony breakfast!

Excited! I just bought a ticket for the Good Things festival in Melbourne

I just stumbled across this account on IG. Have you all heard about this guy Made me tear up, there are still good people out there. Heres an example, but seriously check out his other videos too.

10 Good Things for Oral Hygiene

Its been a good day despite waking up in absolute agony and wishing the grim reaper was coming to call.

A trip to town, just because I could. Bought a new board game, played it a few times and laughed my ass off, the child loves the game. The Game of Death - dark humour, for the grown ups, buy it!

Had a phone call with the benefits guy from yesterday, good call, the guy is a legend.

A little bit of time in the garden, appreciating the butterflies.

A friend phoned me, I actually answered. A good giggle and more ideas of what night we have a catch up at the weekend.

A chat with a neighbour that I adore, even if she did give me a row for not having on high enough sun screen, apparently the side of my face and neck were rather red.

Now I'm getting tempted by theatre tickets for Blood Brothers, but it would mean nearly 4 weeks in a row of trips to the theatre, physically its a lot, we won't mention the financial side of it.

My mood has been seriously stable for the past week, probably for the first time in my life, right now I'm saying its the HRT, there is no other explanation for it. Okay, people have annoyed me, but I haven't went into a downward spiral from it. I feel more confident in myself, I feel like I am making sense and not going off on tangents (shush, we don't mention all my random toots).

I'm going to keep celebrating my good days. Tomorrow though, I am definitely stitching, definitely!

Look at the absolutely wonderful friends so very kindly sent me all the way from the USA! I am so delighted with Edna and Puck ( as they shall now be named) and so very touched by her generosity.

I have a task on my list that I'm very uninterested in doing. It's even worse than usual because it's a volunteer thing. Here are some delights of the day: a breeze (I LOVE a breeze), riding with the top down, chatting with my kids via text while we all work, TRX (I caught myself audibly grunting during some of the exercises LOL), knowing I have a call scheduled later with a friend. Do you have any Or even just today

Kennt Ihr das Man unterhlt sich mit jemandem im RL ber eine Sache und kurze Zeit spter, sieht man die passende Werbung dazu auf FB oder Insta Ich hatte jetzt mal den umgekehrten Fall. Liege mit einer fiesen Erkltung flach, scrolle durch FB und sehe, dass dort jemand einen Eiskaffee vor sich stehen hat. "Dafr wrde ich jetzt morden", denke ich. Kurze Zeit spter kommt meine Mutter vorbei und was bringt sie mir mit Jaaa, einen Eiskaffee. Wie groartig ist das bitte!

Its ok that he was on his phone the whole time. He wanted to come out and sit next to the fire with me. It is nice just to share the same space sometimes.

Just had some of my Christmas cake - made in October last year - and it is just as moist and delicious as back then.

Saturday hugs, love, and light being sent out into the universe

Also, here are some books, flowers, and cookies

My s is today. She is not on here but she makes my life so much better so I wanted to share.

Ive been in this house five years now, but it took until last week for me to realize I could put a folding chair on my front porch & work outside in the shade.

In my defense, it is not a large porch. Thats why it has to be a folding chair.

I found something nice, but I couldn't decide whether to buy it or not, so I left it alone, forgot about it, and left the store

Ufff hoy la seleccin automtica de msica est muy buena: come to those who wait

"I hope something good happens to you today!"

Read that earlier today on a bumper sticker and thought we should share good things when we find them. A recent good book I discovered and really have enjoyed is Indigenous Ingenuity by Deidre Havrelock & Edward Kay. A lot of great topics covered in a spirit that "celebrates traditional North American Indigenous innovation." Sharing perspectives to "embrace the mindset of reciprocity, environmental responsibility, and the interconnectedness of all life."

There's also an audio book version and might also be worth checking your local library because mine had it there too.

5 minutes of slow motion campfire. Watch a little, watch a lot, maybe it lights your fire, maybe it doesn't. It's all ok. Personally I hope someone needed just this for a second right now...

Trail running in box ironbark remnant, recovering woodlands. It's a landscape severely modified by artisan / goldrush mining, and over-zealous introduction of fire. Still, it's a great space to catch some quiet, reflect, heal, grow stronger. And share that process of healing and strength with the landscape. Kind of mutual support huh

Anyway, see you on the trails...

My stars